The shipper came to pick up my two cubic meters of stuff and friends came by to help relieve us of furniture and 100V electronics (Thailand is 220 – 240VAC). We are wasted. The house is almost empty. My beloved hikari line (FTTH) and wireless card are shut off. I’m surfing in seemingly slow motion from a neighbor’s open wifi access point (and sadly, still getting twenty times the speed I will have in the Thai countryside, although, come to think of it, I’ll trade bandwidth for mangosteens any day of the week). I’ll miss B-Flets, but happily take 3 dollar foot massages in return.

Also, my Towers of Power are gone – one (Blacky) in the shipment today, bound for the port of Bangkok on a pallet, and the other (Whitey) in my newly-purchased hardwalled suitcase (note: My PC naming skills are severely PC-inhibited – my laptop’s name is Jappy). I’m using a laptop as my main for the first time in years, and my soul is screaming for a decent GPU. Oh, fuck this, I refuse to fall as far in geek apathy as writing an ode to refresh rates…
BTW, we are out of Japan on Friday. Goodbye rising sun, hello land of smiles.