Marchall Amps AKA Weiduka

I was online looking for a cheap amp to replace my current cheap one (which has bust a capacitor or something and picked up an oscillating ground loop type hum) when I stumbled onto this beauty of a knockoff:

“AC8.8 power filter 3,000 Watt high-end “

At first glance, I thought it was a legit Marshall product made for millennials, because with the similar font, my brain just skipped over the odd letter.

But this is only part of the reason this is one of my favorite knockoffs this year. The other lies in the specs:

Wongchongkrong noise is the sound of the People’s high-end AC power filter…

Wongchongkrong for the people!


Buy your own Wongchongkrong generator here.

State of the Art Wetsuit

Most of the comments I’ve seen about this on YouTube and embedded sites are either great praise (well-deserved), or are questions about the black thong/panties. So with no further ado, this is an explanation for them:

It’s kind of a clever design because it’s so distinctive and bothers so many people! I kind of doubt there would be so many complaints if the diver was female…

Hmm, it doesn’t stand out so much on the gray suit.


The only real way to experience true crap coffee flavor!

The most expensive coffee in the world is being produced at the elephant camp we take the kids to almost every new year, on the way to Surin province: World’s Priciest Coffee Is Hand-Picked From Elephant Dung

So here’s my prediction: What started as civet crap coffee and moved to elephant crap coffee will eventually result in the production of human crap coffee. Because, let’s be honest, Kopi Luwak can reportedly be very smooth (the ones I tried were not), but most people drink it because it’s something new and exotic, and because they secretly want to be like the baboon.


Wow, this title just gave me flashbacks of my Thai nicknames research… Anyway, this piano is firmly stuck in my head now. I can leave the player on loop, go teach a class, and come back to hear the piano still haunting my living room. Awesome.

But hey, you know, if you’re going to go Wu-tang you have to remember where it came from as well:

We should also remember some of the places it ended up going as well:

Here’s more info on how these are related: ‘C.R.E.A.M.’: The Story Of A Sample

The Amerigo Gazaway track at top just dropped today. You can see his work here: Wu​-​Tang Clan – C​.​R​.​E​.​A​.​M. (Amerigo Gazaway Rework)