Spotted Richard

It seems the Welsh have submitted fully to their nanny state and its uber-PC agenda. I present to you the faded glory of Spotted Dick with its newly government-approved nomenclature: Pudding renamed Spotted Richard
Today suet pudding, tomorrow your right to breathe, I tell you.
They should have tried a compromise. You know, something a with a bit more pizazz. How about Speckled Prick or Dotted Cock?
What they settled on for an alternative, Sultana Sponge, is kinda more disgusting in a contraceptical kinda way, if you know what I mean… A bit of Sultana Sponge with heavy cream, anyone?
And how about renaming their town while they’re at it?

Dutch wives et al

Speaking of writing class, one of the earlier assignments was to write from the point of view of an object. Imagine my surprise when one of my students said she wanted to write from the POV of a “Dutch wife.”
This term actually came up in her Thai-English electronic dictionary and upon questioning her about it, I came to understand that she was talking about a dakimakura, or body pillow. I suggested she use the word body pillow, but was intrigued by the use of “Dutch wife.” You see, in my experience with the Japanese language, it basically only means a blow-up sex doll, and I didn’t even know it was used in English. Here it is, though, complete with the meaning of dakimakura listed at the top:
So I guess this is just part of learning something new every day. Also, it’s hard to get my mind out of the gutter, because THE GUTTER IS ITS HOME.

It’s a girl!

It’s a girl! It’s a girl! It’s a girl! It’s a girl! It’s a girl! It’s a girl! It’s a girl!
Nam is currently at 26 weeks, and we couldn’t be happier!
Nam’s belly is 2 weeks bigger than normal, according to the doctor… I’ll get around to taking a photo sometime.