Twitter at its best 😂
— PMSL (@PMSL__) September 17, 2020
dad points!
What a voice eh Dad?
— PMSL (@PMSL__) September 13, 2020
I’m gonna start editing Mina’s pre-lockdown sanshin explosion debut.
I’m gonna start editing Mina’s pre-lockdown sanshin explosion debut.
I’m gonna start editing Mina’s pre-lockdown sanshin explosion debut.
LINE Windows App Bug
If you are installing LINE on Windows, download the installer directly from the website and don’t bother with the app available through Windows. The Windows app version has a couple of unique conveniences like native Windows notifications, but is badly bugged. It throws up “Newer version available! Update?” in an annoying dialog box every time LINE starts up, even if you are using the latest version. Trash.

Why I still love Thailand

The ad blurb translated by Googs:
Last day. Golden minute. When it’s gone,
Boiled chicken. Golden minute. Big size. Only 89 Baht each!!!!
One day only. Discount for 60 baht immediately when shopping for fresh food department. 600 baht or more / receipt.
This Chinese food festival!! with valuable quality at Tesco Lotus.
Tesco. Boiled chicken with entrails. Size M. Size 1.4-1.6 kg. Normal item is 189 Baht each.
⏰ Golden minute. Reduced to 89 baht each!!!!
⏰ Golden minute. The last day. 1 July. Year 63
COVID Quarantine Hotel Food Hacks
I need this guy’s outlook on life:
Lemons? No, it’s a Rustic Lemon Tart with Salted Cookie Crumble
I feel fucking old.
I turned 47 a couple of days ago. Nam and Mina surprised me with a great dinner at my favorite restaurant. Aside from not being able to get Max back with us yet, life is good. I’m just old and I have to acknowledge that.
And lest you think that was a one-off: