Category: Web
Life copies art
I legit watched this 20 times straight.
Crown Desert Wreck

I found this very cool photo on FB.
The post said it was a “Kalgoorlie bush wreck.”
Google time…
Found it! This must be the coolest group on Facebook. Applied.
Note: Kalgoorlie was originally called “Hannan’s Find,” and what Hannan found was gold! So I guess Kalgoorlie is the Sutter’s Mill of Australia (both caused a gold rush in the 1800s).
Liver-Eating Johnson

Best Wikipedia article at the end of a clicking spree, ever:
Kewpie’s Frankeneggs – Snowman Kimipuchi
On the right, a normal egg yolk. On the left, a fake yolk AKA the Snowman Kimipuchi:

A user on Twitter performed this experiment in a frying pan with a fake egg found in a convenience store bento, and the Japanese are outraged!
The list of ingredients on the Kewpie page sounds a lot like the ingredients in their mayonnaise:

I understand the concern of Japanese bento eaters, but I’m also really curious about the taste…