Category: Web
Linkdump AF 2022
Across the Multiverse: A four chapter story with an epic revelation at the end.

I did not get that far, but I got a lot of chill.
Technicolor Tokyo: Screenshots from CyberPunk or real photos?

Phra Rahu: This week I learned of Rahu worship in Thailand, which is extremely interesting and apparently widespread, and although I’ve seen images and statues of Rahu before, I never really knew his story – it’s interesting!
The Story of Phra Rahu
There are many variations of the story of Rahu, which stem mainly from Hindu, Buddhist, Tamil legend. The most common legend is the Hindu one which describes Rahu as an Asura (demon deity) who was transformed into Rahu after drinking an elixir which would assure his immortality. The legend goes on to say that Rahu stole the elixir from the Hindu Deities, but he was seen by Chandra (the moon god) and Surya (the sun god). Chandra and Surya informed Mohini (the female avatar of Vishnu) who promptly chopped off the Asura’s head.
A small amount of elixir had already been sipped by the Asura before Mohini could chop off his head, so his head and upper body had already attained a state of immortality and became Rahu.
Rahu takes his revenge upon Chandra and Surya by swallowing the moon and the sun every time he sees them, thus causing an eclipse.

Buzz my Wave, yo
Should I be concerned that I’ve heard of most of these and used quite a few of them: Killed by Google
I can’t bear to look for the greatest loss of all on there:

After trying soooo many replacements over the years, I am finally on Inoreader, but most of the feeds I was ever subscribed to are of course dead.
The Reddit Tidal Bore Videos
Sit back, relax, and be amazed by the wonder of cheap smartphones:
And of course, the brilliant Reddit stitch up of all 3 clips: 1 Wave, 3 Angles
So what are we looking at?
This is a tidal bore, a strong tide pushing up a river. This one is locally known as a bono, or, a wave of seven ghosts, because there can be seven successive layers of waves. People surf on these, yo! It seems that the location is Cape Binjai, Sumatra, on the Kampar River. By all means, please subscribe to Rina’s YouTube Channel because she has the best smile even when getting bowled over by angry waves!
Thank you for reading this post and please excuse the crappy manual formatting above (necessitated by irritating autoplay videos) – don’t worry, I’ll never get around to fixing it properly!
Cursed Fish Images
A trio of dubious sakana creations I found this very day:

I can’t, I just can’t… best vid ever?
I legit had a golden needle mushroom flashback.
GQ Cool Tech
These guys understand me, I’m sold: GQ Size English site
Red Light Green Light Dub
Truly tranquil groove!
Also saw this in r/Thailand a few weeks back, entitled “Solution to BKK traffic“:

In that post, a user figures out the location in Google Maps – actually in Semarang, Indonesia!
Online learning

Saw this in my feed and it made me smile because my daughter had to sit next to me and take a swimming class online last term. The current term ends this month, and the kids in Thailand may be going back to school from next term, but who knows? A lot of it depends on if they actually get vaccinated or not (there’s still not enough of any kind to go around and the only one proven safe for kids is still Pfizer – which is in very short supply), but it’s been a while now.