potty time

We didn’t force toilet training on Max, and one day he just decided that he was tired of using diapers. From then on, we only put him in one at night and on long trips. Mina, the Ultimate Emulator, also sits on the training potty, usually just for fun and not actually depositing anything.

Mina is developing so fast, it’s scary. Whereas Max built up a vocabulary a few words at a time, Mina copies everything anyone says to her. She can’t make most of the sounds well, but the rhythm is there. And she can understand most anything you would say to a small kid. The other day, Nam told her to clean up a room when she and her brother and another kid were done playing, and she dutifully put away all the toys in sight (a lot).

One of the scary things she can do is get out of her car seat restraints – I saw this just last night, after she had been strapped down fairly securely.


Quite often, Max awakes from a deep sleep craving certain foods – strawberries seem to appear in his dreams quite often, as do hot dogs and toast with jam. Just now, I carried him from one room to another after he fell asleep, and he woke up kicking and screaming saying, “NO! I want to eat it! I want to eat it!” It was quite hilarious, except that he woke up Mina, or to be more specific, my laughing woke her up. Nam glared at me for a while, so I dove onto the bed next to Mina until she went to sleep again.


The photo above was taken in the seafood section of Big C, however, Max has never woken up asking for CUTTLE FISH THE WATER or any other cephalopods.

Jammin’ solo

Max was so jazzed about playing his toy guitar, we broke down and ordered a real one off the internet. It’s called a Plum Blossom, if I remember correctly. I arranged for one of my second year students to come give him lessons once a week, but it’s just too soon. He won’t play when we want him to, and often just ignores people he doesn’t know.

Ah well, at least I got some photos, and the guitar is being kept safe for if he shows an interest again.


I’m posting a bunch of phonecam photos in the coming days, so please forgive the craptastic quality.

No Holiday in Cambodia

We had been planning to go to Cambodia with Nam’s faculty for a couple days from the day after tomorrow. Max’s chickenpox had cleared up almost completely this week and he was going to go with mommy and daddy. Mina was to stay at home with relatives and the nanny, and we had done a test run with these arrangements. We assumed she would come down with chickenpox weeks ago, but it never happened (truth be told, we wanted it out of the way quickly and knew she was strong enough to get through it – Max and Mina played together all day every day,I even had them drinking from the same cup). Everything was going fine.

Then it all came unraveled.

Our nanny suddenly stopped coming last Sunday because of a serious personal issue. Even that was OK, because Nam’s little brother’s girlfriend, who works with kids, was going to watch Mina at our in-laws house.

Then two nights ago, Mina came down with a fever. Yesterday red bumps started appearing here and there. Today they have turned to pustules and she is itchy cranky baby.


No holiday in Cambodia (which we already paid for).

What did we need a holiday from? Chickenpox. What prevented us from going? Chickenpox.



– Here’s to another couple weeks before we can bear to look at Mina’s face again without feeling terrible.