Category: Oh, baby!
Fred Rogers, master of the old school
Spurred by the recent Garden of Your Mind video, I downloaded several dozen episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and showed a few to Max and Mina yesterday in the background as they played with legos and watercolors. Mina was indifferent, but Max was entranced for a good while. There’s a lot of talking on this show, and I seem to remember that being an annoyance to me when I was watching it thirty plus years ago. Max seemed to lose interest as Fred droned on and on about things, but perked up during psychedelic trolley scenes and horrifying puppet shows – just as I remember doing. So if you want to try something old school in your kids’ TV lineup, you might try MRN.
And of course, watching any breaking video is a good enough reason to show Little Superstar again:
Roscoe’s Chicken, Long Beach
Roscoe’s – approved by the Yoshida Clan. 5 thighs for $6 (take out only) cannot be beat. We tried the chicken, fries, and waffles, and ate them in a huge park we passed by. Next time, we’ll try the mac n cheese, collard greens, and sweet potato pie. Please excuse the chicken-grease-on-cellphone-lens photos.
George’s Bird by Max
When we visited Monterey last month, both Max and Mina got to hold one of George’s birds during the Good Old Days festival in Pacific Grove.
Max drew a very nice picture of a tropical bird today and when I asked him what kind of bird it was, he answered, “George’s bird.” Good memory, Max!
Skating at HB State Beach / Easter Candy Hunt
There’s tons of vids on my drive but it takes a long time to get to those, ya know? Anyway, the community Easter egg hunt was cool except for the lack of eggs (Lack of funding? Envirobullshit? No one knew.).
all made of stars / bit by a bad dog
We just got back to our house last night and it is all crazy unpacking, cleaning house (plus spontaneous furniture rearrangement) and getting ready for school (for Mina only) and work tomorrow, but I need to write this down lest I forget…
We arrived here in the middle of a ferocious heatwave; the locals say it got so hot that water buffalo died because they got too hot and their livers burst (!). We took the kids to play at the big bounce house at Big C and basically sweated out their own body weight. Then I dropped off everybody at home because I had to change out a bad relay at my pal’s garage. It was of course the relay for the air conditioner, so it felt like driving around in a big black oven most of the day.
When I was gone, Nam took Max and Mina a couple streets down where the neighborhood kids gather to play. Long story short, Nam got bit by a little yappy ass dog that some stupid people who just moved in let roam around outside (until now, there were no dogs on that street, which is one reason it’s the designated kid area). She called me and told me to come home and watch the kids while she went to the hospital for rabies shots (although the bite didn’t break skin and the dog is a house pet, this is something you don’t fuck around with in developing countries).
I got home and got Max and Mina inside the gate while Nam was getting ready to go. I noticed a young dead sparrow on our driveway and pointed it out to the kids to distract them from mommy’s departure (they had seen mommy get bitten and were worried when I told them she was going to see a doctor).
Max was entranced by the dead bird and asked if I could “fix” it.
I said “no.”
Then he asked “what about mommy?”
Thinking he was asking if mommy could fix it, I said, “no.”
He burst into tears and was inconsolable for quite some time.
— — —
It finally came to light that when he asked about mommy, he was asking whether she could be fixed or not, and I inadvertently equated her to a dead bird on the ground.
The Children’s Museum at La Habra
This museum was about 40 minutes away from our house and had the most impressive trophy room I’ve ever seen. I mean, it was like a great trophy room with a bunch of stuff for kids to do as well. For the purpose of edutaining kids, this place gets 3.25 stars out of 5 (but if it had been crowded it would have dropped below 3, I think).
Their flashtastic website is here.