
So we went out for a family dinner last night, to a place we used to go a lot for crusted garlic fish, but stopped visiting for no reason in particular. Mina was acting kind of funny, not scarfing down everything in sight as usual. Finally, she really stated acting up and did something that merited a spank on the bottom, so I put her over my lap and wound up for effect.

I knew something was wrong by the sound of impact: SCHLOP!!

Baby shit splattered all over my hand and a stinky mist expanded from the area of impact.

Mina looked at me in defiance.

Nam thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Max just shrugged at me.

Of course, I already had shit on my hand so I had to change Mina’s poopie diaper as well.

Fresh honey


Yesterday I bought some fresh honey at a friend’s house. I have different samples from roadside stands all over Thailand; they’re sold in recycled whiskey bottles. The prices generally range from 150 to 200 baht per bottle. Yesterday was the cheapest I’ve seen it in a long time, 120 baht.

Update: Yes, the seller is filtering out debris and drowned bees out with a fish net.

Perfect Chicken Pot Pie

As perfect as it gets for NE Thailand, at least:

@ Greenleaf, a restaurant located down the street from Khon Kaen Airport

It only tasted about half as good as it looked, which was still pretty good. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that the plate was flipped around the wrong way until after I took the photo. On the positive side, I’m pretty happy with the quality of the camera on my Desire HD. It pretty much replaces a pocket camera, not that I ever carried one regularly.