He commands an armada.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present Isamu Yamamoto:
AKA wwwwwww ???
Hugo Beach

Designer Creates $3,900 Wetsuit That Looks Like A Real Suit
The shirt collar needs work, but hey, that’s straight out of my nightmares!
Popanpittayakhom Rajamangkhalabhisek School
The name of my student’s high school as revealed in her self introduction last week. I can’t immediately find it on Google, though. So I guess this post will come up as the first result from now on.
It makes me want a 3D printer.
How satisfying pic.twitter.com/QYPjuMrnpc
— The World Of Funny (@TheWorldOfFunny) June 27, 2020
Thingiverse page: Marble Machine “Kaleidoscope” by Yosuke Ikeda
Common baby gecko

These little guys probably have a survival rate of 1 in a thousand or so. They can sprint for short spurts, but are easy prey for predators like birds and cats. I let them stay in the house, but they scare Nam for some reason.
so busy?
I’m currently in a state of being extremely busy juggling things like preparing for a new school term, managing a botched house extension, getting our main car repainted, moving a metric ton of dirt the workers we fired (from previously mentioned house extension job) left on the street in front of our house with the only Radio Flyer I’ve ever seen in Thailand, getting diphtheria/tetanus boosters because I gouged my leg on my rusty barbecue grill, replacing a temporary crown on my tooth with a permanent one, running around to every home improvement shop in town to find the correct angle grinder attachment/vinyl flooring sheets/ceiling hangers, etc.
Here is a shot of the best khao tom I’ve had all year, up in the mountains, on break from performing Okinawan music to Northeastern Thais.

Also, we miss Max and have decided not to bring him back on a repatriation flight to face 2 week quarantine by himself, and instead wait until we can go get him (intl flights are still not allowed into Thailand) safely.