AI Limitations

I’m using GPT-4 to help write an ESL textbook, which is probably taking longer than if I just did it by myself. However, because I’m relying on AI for the graphics and audio files for conversations, it’s really forcing me to learn basic Python script debugging and troubleshooting for ChatGPT. The most frustrating things about this experience so far are:

  • ChatGPT forgets stuff all the time. If I ask it to compile a Word file, it will leave out parts that we finalized together. And sometimes, it can’t create download links for the file, or so it says.
  • It sometimes changes finalized content unless it’s explicitly told to leave it alone.
  • It is often not aware of what it can and cannot do. It specifically told me one night that it wasn’t technically capable of producing a certain kind of file, so instead it walked me through doing it in Python. The next day, I asked to do the same thing for another chapter, and it just instantly generated the correct file for me – kind of. I was still better off doing it myself, but still, it was a matter of where I wanted to focus my efforts – learning to do stuff myself, or coaxing the AI into giving me the desired results.
  • Using Dall-E to generate something useful is like trying to have a serious conversation with someone tripping on acid.

I have to get back to the textbook, but I leave you with these absolute gems of what AI thinks Bingo cards look like:

According to the file name, the prompt was: “A 4×4 Holiday Bingo sheet with a clean, minimalistic design suitable for embedding in a Word document. Each cell contains one of the following…”

When I pointed out that the grid wasn’t 4×4 (although that would be just Bing, not Bingo) and that there were duplicate entries as well as weird text and spelling mistakes, it popped out this:

“A correct 4×4 Holiday Bingo sheet in a minimalistic design. Each of the 16 cells contains one unique activity from the following list_ ‘Go to the beac…”

My way of dealing with is to change the activity completely, but I really hope image generation, of text in particular, improves quickly. GLAY SiOMIE PLAY SOMIES GAE SHOPPING.

Chit-chat Corner Ice Cream Session

The US embassy-sponsored conversation project that Mina and I have been facilitating on Wednesdays at Mahasarakham University every Wednesday in the evenings goes on break between terms. For the last session of the term, we usually do a special cooking project. Since there’s no kitchen facilities in the American Corner, I usually have to think of projects that require minimal cooking and no running water, etc. This term, I decided to do a throwback to simpler times.

We made ice cream in Ziploc bags with ice and salt, and it turned out much better than expected. Normal Thai milk contains about 10-11% milk fat, so I spent the week before finding the best ratios with whipping cream (cheaper than whole cream) and various ingredients. In the end, a 1:1 milk to cream ratio was the best compromise between optimal texture and ease of explanation. 3-4 cups of crushed ice and 1/3 cup of salt seemed to work best for the freezing component. Surprisingly, green was the favorite color for students, and matcha (I stole Nam’s good stuff from Kyoto) was the most popular flavor. We had a good time.

Makizushi Class

For the past year, Nam and I have been arranging sushi roll-making events for university students and schoolchildren. This video is a typical first attempt of trying to stuff too much into a roll. I would say 75% of people end up making this mistake the first time. But hey, if you don’t make mistakes, you never learn, right? It’s been a lot of fun just trying to do our jobs well.

Work Man Ship?

This is a solar-lighted walking path at my university. I’m very happy they renewed them, since the old ones were not lighted and were a constant tetanus hazard, but, this type of shoddiness really bothers me. I’m pretty sure they will wither leave it as is or attempt a cosmetic fix, but I will check again soon to see if they’ve done anything.

The reason this bothers me is that I’ve seen the result of an improperly support column coming loose from its anchors. It killed some unlucky guy buying groceries and injured several others at a covered market right near our house, during a fierce windstorm. The support columns were pulled completely out by the wind, and the roof they supported acted as a sail and carried the entire steel and plexiglass structure into the adjacent highway. The structure was actually shaped just like this – just a long roof supported on one side, but on a much larger scale.

OpenAI Educator Guide

OpenAI has released an official guide for teachers using ChatGPT in their classroom: Teaching with AI

It’s nice to have something official posted, at least. There are some new resources in there that I’m slowly trying to get through.

The official answer to the question, “Do AI detectors work?” is:

In short, no, not in our experience.

I asked ChatGPT the same question, and its answer was:

AI detectors, specifically those designed to identify plagiarism or academic dishonesty, can be effective in detecting instances of copied or improperly attributed content.

So who knows better, the parent, or the child?