How to make Movable Type work properly on Dreamhost

  1. Turn on Dynamic Publishing for everything, with all options ON

That is all.
And I was just starting to consider other hosting options (Media Temple or Pair or something, anything that would let me publish new entries and let guest leave comments on my blog without returning 500 timeout errors) after receiving the last supercold response from Dreamhost support:

Ok, I found the issue. It seems that your script is loading up over 90
megs worth of .. something directly into apache.
I’ve seen this with MT before, and we have no idea what on earth it’s
doing. We limit apache memory to 90 megs, as that’s a fairly large chunk
for one apache process.
You’ll need to consult movable type about that, as we don’t provide
support for custom scripting.

Now that’s what I call, “Can I get a ‘fuck you?'”

New Commenting Authorization Explanation

I had to make it a little harder to comment on this blog, because the version of the software isn’t going to let my “type gecko” authorization work. Also, this is only made necessary because of stupid comment spammers, who all need to eat a dick and die a painful death. Sorry, I tried to avoid this system because it’s a pain in the ass (eyes, actually), but it’s still fairly simple. Please click on the example diagram below (to open an enlarged version) if you can’t figure out the new system by yourself:
Also, my system is still slow. Comments appear to hang after you click Submit, and may or may not be immediately published. If you try a couple times, I usually can fix the problem for you because the comment registers in the system, but isn’t actually published or visible to you until I manually publish it. Sorry, it’s all the fault of the spammers!

MT 4.01 Up and Running

Wow, that was the easiest upgrade of MT I’ve ever done. Sixapart, Dreamhost, and my crappy Thai inaka DSL connection all kept it together… It was all done in half an hour! Now I’m playing with settings and new features, which will take a lot longer to finish… Ooh, what’s this? The entries are autosaving? Ooo – very gmailesque! The new UI is just… beautiful! Now to work on the blog template…

Movable Type 4 Upgrade

Just to let you know, I’m starting a clean upgrade in a few minutes so the site may be down for a little while. I’m starting the design from scratch to take advantage of the new software architecture, as well. Too bad, I kinda liked this design. Oh well – new wife, new house, new country, new car – I guess a new blog design isn’t such a big deal…. See you on the other side.