


I pulled the kids from Tae Kwon Do a while ago because their sensei was a dumbass. We were looking for a good Muay Thai coach for a couple years, and may have finally found one at a new fitness center that sprang up nearby. Nam and I will be working out at the same time, a couple times a week, so that’s good. At our first session, our trainer pushed us so hard, I almost puked. Good times.

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Fever baby

In the middle of a crazy day, things just keep coming.

Mina came down with a pretty high fever on a day that includes me getting up early to teach (and thus skipping my MA classes), a dance recital for both kids in the afternoon, Nam and Max flying to Bangkok in the evening and staying the night, etc., etc., etc.
She is intermittently waking up with feverish dreams and asking if she is still on earth or in space, and other trippy shit like that… I wanted to tell her to embrace it, but she just feels icky and now, mommy has to leave, too. Woe is us.

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A night outside

Last night, we planned to go camping in our front yard. Max came down with a cold and Mina does nothing without him, so the kids ended up staying in the house. Nam worried about the kids waking up in the middle of the night and not finding her, so she also slept in the house. I had already put tents up, so I decided to sleep on the lawn alone.

Woke up with a sore back and lit some charcoal because camping is not camping without fire. Grilled some yakitori and khao chi rice balls in a wonderful fusion of classic Japanese and Isan flavor profiles. Then I went to my Sunday masters class and thought about when I would have time to write my thesis. I seriously need a day to chill every week, but that’s not going to happen for a while.




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Play Center at Robinson’s Roi-Et





A couple months ago, they opened a new mini-mall called Robinson’s Living Center in the next city over, Roi-Et. I teach in Roi-Et on Saturday mornings, so Nam and the kids went to check out the new mall… They had a very well equipped and expensive (for Thailand) play area where parents could dump there kids for a couple hours. We never leave them unsupervised in strange places, so Nam ended up with a lot of photos of their play session.

New Ransel (randoseru)


On a trip down to Bangkok last month, we found a shop selling randoseru (Japanese school bags; link) in Pak Chong. We had been thinking about importing them for some time, because they are supposed to be good for posture, and the kids have to lug a ridiculous number of textbooks around. They had a pink one and a black one, so we didn’t even have to agonize over color choice. The kids love ’em, and a lot of other parents now want them, too.

Phu Farm Canned Foods

Phu Farms… As aptly named as a company can be…

Silkwork larvae are a snack I’ve had in Korea and Cambodia as well, and they don’t taste so bad. They are a good novelty food after a few beers. The canned frogs, however, are, well…

New canned food display at Nam’s university shop featuring locally conceived products
Silkworm pupae – YUM!

Mina approves (well, she did before we opened the cans)

The shopkeeper gave Nam a sample of the new product – canned frogs!