Sony hates you.

“Last Friday, Sony Music sent Gummy Soul a cease and desist order for Amerigo Gazaway’s “Bizarre Tribe: A Quest To The Pharcyde”.”


Sony just doesn’t get it:
They don’t know how to make good products anymore.
They don’t understand “fair use.”
They don’t know how to get back all the loyal customers they chased away over the years…
It seems they only want to make a last few bucks before Samsung and Apple and all the other companies who do get it (a little better, at least) collectively piss on their grave.

Die, Sony, die.

By the way, the album mentioned above is simply sublime.

The Beginning of the Golden Age – Freestyle Cool J 1985

This video is mindblowing on so many levels – it’s the earliest footage of LL performing vocally (there is apparently earlier footage of him breaking). There’s a small crowd in the college gym that’s apparently getting its first taste of rapping/scratching. LL explains what he’s going to do before actually doing it; at this point, he hasn’t even released his first album!

If you click through to the YouTube page, the son of the man that hired LL for this performance reveals details in the comments.