Fire, No Water, Burn.


During the Songkran water festival,  a fire truck came around to refill its tanks at the pond in front of our house.  The trucks normally spend the duration of the festivities driving along the main strips downtown and basically enjoying being the kings of the country-wide watertfight. On this day, however, a huge fire broke out within a mile of our house and this truck was not at all ready to do its job… The next day we saw another fire truck spraying people during the waterfights,  so obviously, Songkran is the worst time of year to have a fire in Thailand.

Posted from WordPress for Android

Y’all gotta cigarette?

Please forgive me for yesterday’s transgression… Here is proof of my repentance.

The full song has been uploaded here on YT and here on Soundcloud.

The original clip is mesmerizing because it’s totally believable…. Of course, a little digging never hurts when something looks too perfect. Here’s an explanation behind the original Vine that started it: “Y’all Got A Cigarette?” Vine | What’s Trending Now

And if you became an instant fan of her work after watching that last clip, you’ll also want to see this: The very BEST of TAMMY Chelcie Lynn (Vine Collection)

Oh Jesus Christ, she gets even funnier: The very BEST of TAMMY (Chelcie Lynn) PART 2

IARC Rating for C. Buddha’s Blog Reader

The updated terms and conditions for apps available at the Google Play Store dictated that I apply for a International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) rating, which I have now received: LINK

As you most probably are not aware, C. Buddha’s Blog Reader is an Android app; it’s a dedicated reader for this blog that hosts the spirit of virtual Keanu Reeves (yes, it is most excellent). You can check it out here: