Bicycle lane at work


When the curb is lined with cars and long pickups (can you see the diagonal parking lines? ), you definitely do not want to hug that lane line too closely… I’ve backed in in this photo, but people usually park forward, and back out pretty much blind if there are cars on either side of them.
On a more positive note, that’s possibly the best bicycle drawn freehand with a paintbrush I’ve ever seen.

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Cat is Growing, or, Growing a Cat

The Donut
The Donut

Mina renamed it. Cat is now known as Donut, although it still doesn’t listen to a goddamn word I say. This is why I like dogs. I generally don’t really care for cats, but they seem to be attracted to anywhere I move in the world, leaving litters of kittens on my every doorstep, and never listening to a goddamn word I say. Dammit.

Minor Lamentations – Kujira Crown

The culprit: Bubble rust
The culprit: Bubble rust

The Crown needs to be stripped, patched, and repainted. The last time it was done, it was done poorly. I’m thinking about using a shop just around the way, so I can go watch over the work every day. Just need to save up some money now.. I’m sure I’ll have enough in a few years. Until then? An experimental mix of vinyl wrap patch, black ink markers, and spray paint. The Kujira Crown was apparently made in an era when Japanese steel wasn’t that great – so they made it thicker. There aren’t that many holes rusted through, except at the edges. It does need to be patched properly, though.

Star Wars Magic

It’s one in the morning and we all just got back from seeing Star Wars, in English, three minutes from our house in Sarakham. That was pretty special. Overall, I liked it, and Max did, too. It was a little bit loud and scary for Mina (she’s only six).

A couple of notes:

  • I didn’t like the opening shot (it looked like crappy cgi)
  • It felt very Lord of the Rings-ish at times
  • I appreciated some of the atmospheres and small details like screen wipes that evoked the crudeness of the original
  • The girls were disappointed that Kylo wasn’t handsome
  • Fuck, I’m old.
  • Star Wars got its mojo back

What is true manhood?


True Manhood is playing to win.
True Manhood is making the shot.
True Manhood is making them remember your name.

True Manhood Quadruple Barrel Triple Malt Scotch* Whisky. For the True Manhood in you.

*Proudly made to stringent Scottish standards in the old country (Vientiane, Laos). Available at the Grapevine.

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