A Gift of Wood

Nam put out the call on FB for fresh lamyai (longan) branches that I want to try for smoking meats, and a good friend came through.

Her dad cut off some branches from their trees in Ubon Rachathanee and sent them back with her this weekend.

Seeing as how imported apple wood chips cost about $30 US for a 5 lb bag, this should be a great alternative. Thanks, Jay (from J)!!

I, Hiropro

I was a tester (paid in t-shirts) for the first color version of the Google logo on i-mode however many years ago, and I’ve never looked back. Gmail is the most important site/service to me, period. Some of the Google Suite is also indispensable. But my all-time favorite is Maps (and Earth).

Nothing else makes me feel quite like I lived through an important technological period than using cutting-edge tools with a huge initial wow factor which I eventually started taking for granted.

So beta testing new Maps features? Yes, please.