Changing WP themes makes me happy.
How happy?
About this happy:

Van Nuys ’72

Cruising Van Nuys Boulevard In The Summer Of 1972 In Stunning Black And White Photos By Rick McCloskey
This culture was pretty much gone when I grew up in SoCal. These photos were taken a couple years before I was born, but I feel a deep connection to them every time I see my driveway.

roll with it
My personal best is 15 shots.
Spirytus Rektyfikowany is in high demand in Japan where it’s being used as an alternative to rubbing alcohol. This is the stuff we were known for using in our serious cocktails at both Rumours and Bill’s Bar in Nara.

Green Gaijin, anyone?
Best Nana Otafrija Pallbearer Vid
Best viewed only once (I watched it sixteen times with diminishing interest).