84 likes, 130 dislikes

In October of 2010, I uploaded a video about bringing a cockroach back to life with a bug zapper to YouTube. It only had a few thousand hits for the first year, but then suddenly took off probably due to the pop culture zombie phenomenon, plus a hundred 12 year olds on YouTube calling me stupid and explaining that what was shown in the video wasn’t really reanimation (thanks for clearing that up you little shits).

Anyway, this is my first YouTube vid to go over 100,000 hits, so I thought I’d brag about it. Check it out to see what our front yard used to look like.

Cockroach Reanimation with Electro-stimulation



Linking to that STP video in my last post got me to thinking…

  • How could their music videos have been so bad when their recorded live sessions were so good?
  • Their first two albums were so good, the diminishing returns that followed could be forgiven (unlike Pearl Jam, who never learned how to stop making bad albums)
  • I first heard them 18 years ago? Really?? Damn I feel old… Max will feel about them like I felt about the Beatles! (He won’t really like them for another 18 years?)
  • One of my favorite thing about Wikipedia is that it teaches me new (mostly useless) stuff about things I’ve liked/used for years. For example: “…the band’s name was inspired by a carving in an ancient temple that depicts a man in a small flying ship, a reference to ancient aliens.” (Cosmic Buddha’s article will someday read: “…the band’s name was inspired by a chalkboard explanation of Greater and Lesser Vehicles by the head of their Japanese exchange program in a horribly humid classroom in Tenri, Japan.” Yes, this website and domain name were originally used for our band; live band sessions ended but playing on the internet sessions didn’t.)

YouTube iframe embedding

It seems that the new way of embedding YouTube videos is really slow to render when you have multiple videos on a single page. Offhand, I can’t remember tweaking anything else that would cause this blog to be loading in segments like this. The thing is, I don’t really have time to test it now, so I guess I’ll just refrain from posting so many vids for a while and let the ones below fall off the front page.


My admin login for this blog either got corrupted or was intentionally changed by some script kiddie, so I need to purge everything and build it up again. My last backup is recent, from New Years Eve of last year (thank Omniscient Being of Choice that I had nothing else to do that day). I’ll be losing all of my posts from January and February, but I don’t mind so much…

This blog’s feed gets picked up by Facebook, Twitter, and Buzz, so when I import the old posts, it might avalanche.. or not. Apologies in advance.

UPDATE: Maybe I didn’t lose anything except, strangely, the banner – I have backups of it, but it’s time to make a new one.