Accidentally found on Google; cannot find original source but will link to it if I do.
Category: Photos
Top Trio
Hatched two Snorlax last week from 10km eggs, and caught the third on the way home from school today. Nam and Mina got one a piece, as well. Mina actually started crying when Max and I got ours (the kids play on our phones) because her phone was at home, so we went and got it, then rushed back to the spawn point. It all worked out in the end.
Round eggplant tip
After 10 years of experimentation, I have finally figured out that medium-sized round eggplant is the best. Too small, and they are bitter. Too big, like in the photo above, and they are soft, tasteless, and the seeds are too big and numerous.
The seeds are actually an important taste component. They can be big, they can be numerous, but they can’t be both because it makes the overall texture too soft. This is something nobody ever mentioned to me.
Something really interesting – I’ve seen people have allergic reactions to only the big ones. Specific symptoms were an itchy and swelling throat.
So stay away from big round eggplant!
Pokemon Go in Thailand – Day 7
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ” – Alvin Toffler
If Pokemon Go is ultimately not about leveling up or hoarding imaginary kawaii creatures, perhaps it’s about searching for something. And as in life, the most demanding searches are sometimes rewarded with the best results. Playing a game in a deserted virtual world in anticipation of others coming to join me, then, should result in me winning the Thai lottery. Amen.