Dumpling diplomacy: Green lantern fix?

There’s obviously a problem when someone decides to add pesticides to Japan’s foreign-produced frozen food supply, but is the best answer for Japan truly another “buy local” scheme? I can see about 6,200 problems with this, not including shipping. I mean, this is the same country that makes airports for airlifting vegetables (which probably had the net effect of driving more agro business to China since it cost – duh – too much to ship fresh produce by air), right?
In other Japan-related news, all of you from the camera-toting, chrysanthemum-kissing, anime-addict set are OFFICIALLY NO LONGER WANTED AT TSUKIJI FISHMARKET. That’s what you get for questioning the validity of scientific whaling, yo.

Contradiction: American Wagyu

This article about Kobe and pseudo-Kobe beef was interesting, but kind of pissed me off: Raising the Steaks
I mean, the author is passing judgment on a practice he’s never seen first-hand? I lived in Japan for many years, knew a lot of people raising cattle, and I never saw a single cow living in a lean-to (I can’t remember seeing any lean-tos in Japan!).
I sure saw a lot living in barns, open pastures, and ranches, though. This quote from the article especially struck a nerve: “And where is all that pasture to begin with, given that Japan is so short of land?” Oh, I see. The problem is that this guy has never been to Japan, has probably never even seen Japan outside of the photos in the wikipedia articles he used for “research,” and couldn’t find a single Japanese rancher to interview so instead asked his questions to experts in the US… and in the end recommends their product over the Japanese one because he’s lost his taste for “beef raised in a crate.” As evidenced by the testimonial of a single Frenchman. Oi.
Hey, and I’m really curious as to under which Shinto tenets, “beef was not consumed in Japan until the Meiji Restoration.” Or is this just a very slanted way of presenting Shinto vegetarianism?
A great contrast to this article, also written last year, is this one: The Sublime Culture of Kobe Beef
It paints a much different picture than the article above…. In the end, only one question remains: ARE THE COWS ACTUALLY MASSAGED, OR IS IT JUST SHIT BEING RUBBED OFF THEM WITH A HANDFUL OF STRAW?
These are questions that deserve straight, honest, and thoroughly documented answers.
I, personally, can offer the following:

  • I have seen cows in Hyogo that were being raised for meat being massaged by their owners
  • I have seen small “houses” especially built for cows to sleep in at night in some pastures
  • A worker at a small ice cream factory on Awaji Island told me that they sometimes sold old ice cream in bulk to local farmers for cattle feed
  • I have never seen a cow lying in its own shit unless it was sick

The Origins of Kaiten-zushi (Conveyor Belt Sushi)

Envisioned in 1933: Mechanical grocery store walks around the customer
Substitute raw fish and vinegared rice for the “groceries,” lose the wrapping option (mawarizushi is one of the few things the Japanese don’t wrap), and add self-pouring draft beer vending machines, and then you’ve got a recipe for a winner (that sounds a lot like Kura Zushi near KIX, but I digress)

Goodbye PHS

It seems that DoCoMo killed off the Personal Handyphone System service last week (Slashdot JP link). The PHS phones were attractive when we were students (specifically around 1995) because of the lower handset prices. Not being able to use one while traveling over 20kph (or was it 25?), however, was the main deal breaker. I remember when the newer generation phones with multiple antennas came out specifically to deal with this problem, but by then everyone who already had a cellular wasn’t about to switch.
As this guy says, there was a lot of potential in the system that was never realized, but hey, the road to Nashville is lined with superior specs and wasted potential. Or something.

Instant Kaedama

So it seems I missed out on one of the great new inventions to hit the market after I left Japan – refills for Cup Noodle.
I must point out that this new product is hardly an original idea by its manufacturer, Nissin. In college, we routinely used empty Cup Noodle cups as bowls (mostly for regularly-packaged instant ramen crushed to fit), ashtrays, pen holders, a container for my cut-in-half-with-tin-snips 1-yen coin collection, and in a pinch, even as beer cups (curry flavor cups were best for this purpose).
But wait! I titled this post before I read what’s actually being sold – it seems that the actual product isn’t just noodle refills, they also include a non-disposable bowl! Now is that defeating the entire purpose of a Cup Noodle, or what? (from a business standpoint, isn’t this blurring the product lines?)
Since a bowl and a clump of freeze dried noodles isn’t really new, perhaps this isn’t such a hot idea after all… and it sure as hell doesn’t qualify as kaedama. The title above stays, though. I like kaedama, even just in print.

Happy Thanksgiving!

… words heard from not a single student today.
Surprise, surprise.
I think I’ve actually seen a real live turkey here in Mahasarakham, up in the forest near the fish sanctuary, but I’m too lazy to be bothered with the killin’ and pluckin’ and dressin’ and stuffin’ and roastin’ – Thanksgiving to me is more of a “Thanksgetting.” Getting stuffed and drowsy off the tryptophan (I choose to believe in the sleepy turkey effect. Even if it’s a placebo, it still makes me feel nice, you haters.) kicks ass. Candied yams and gravy kick ass. Even cranberry sauce tends to kick some ass, in moderation. Maybe what I miss most, though, is pumpkin pie. I swear I haven’t had a decent slice of pumpkin pie with freshly whipped cream for five or six years. “So,” you ask, “how does one cope with the lack of proper pilgrim food on Turkey Day?”
If living in Japan for twelve years taught me anything, it was coping skills.
If living in Japan for twelve years taught me anything, it was three letters: K F C
That’s right, Nam and I just came back from the only place in town to get mashed potatoes, cheesy fries, and New! Bite-sized! Spicy! Fish Bits.

Kelp Highway

Were America’s first inhabitants Japanese fishermen?

Erlandson has been working with marine biologists for the last few years and believes Japanese fisherman could have been following the kelp highway which would have flourished even during the ice age. The kelp would have been attractive to all kinds of fish because it provides shelter and as well as giving nutrients to other sea creatures.
Mike Graham, a kelp expert who helped Erlandson, told New Scientist, “It’s quite likely that Japan’s ancient inhabitants were familiar with these systems before they came over. What people saw, as they moved, were familiar species, familiar ways of life, familiar associations.”

Well, if anyone would ever try to eat a garibaldi, it would be a Japanese fisherman.

I traded my 100Mbps FTTH for mangosteens and monkeys…

…And I think I made the right decision. This article by Robert Cringely hits home, though. My theoretical download speed is now 1/50 of what it was last year in Japan and the theoretical upload is 1/200. Actual speed ratios are about the same, however, downtime here is pretty awful as you can see by my sporadic blogging – sometimes lasting for almost a week. The whole censorship thing is pretty lame, too.
On the flip side, the mangosteens and monkeys sure are tasty!
Let me tell you a secret about (relatively) insane connection speeds: When you are wired to the net through a $50/month hikari connection, your connection speed is a non-issue. You are waiting for the rest of the internet…