I miss it already, it was the first and only motorized vehicle I’ve bought new.

I took these photos at the hidden lake behind my faculty building, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University.
Raising a family in Thailand // Documenting Issan food, culture, music, and people
…because they remind me of Datsuns, but also because there’s a sick modding scene.
I found this very cool photo on FB.
The post said it was a “Kalgoorlie bush wreck.”
Google time…
Found it! This must be the coolest group on Facebook. Applied.
Note: Kalgoorlie was originally called “Hannan’s Find,” and what Hannan found was gold! So I guess Kalgoorlie is the Sutter’s Mill of Australia (both caused a gold rush in the 1800s).
It had been a while since I’d seen Rusty. I didn’t know he’d changed hands, but it seems like he’ll be cared for forever now. What a legend. And yes, I always think of the Super Silhouette KDR30 when I see him.
This is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. I asked the guy who posted it to Twitter for more info, and he told me it’s from Iceland. If anybody knows anything else about it, please comment on this post.
Cruising Van Nuys Boulevard In The Summer Of 1972 In Stunning Black And White Photos By Rick McCloskey
This culture was pretty much gone when I grew up in SoCal. These photos were taken a couple years before I was born, but I feel a deep connection to them every time I see my driveway.
The Drive has the scoop: This Subaru F.U.C.K.S.
UPDATE: Here’s the Apology Subaru Sent to American Dealers Over the Subaru F.U.C.K.S. Debacle