What’s for Breakfast: Protein Explosion Edition

There just isn’t much variety when it comes to breakfast in Maha Sarakham. Most people eat grilled pork skewers and sticky rice or some variation of rice porridge. While delicious, these get quite boring.

If there’s time after dropping the kids off at school, we sometimes go eat lunch stuff for breakfast at one of the few places open that early, but most days we eat at home, because we make the best coffee in town (not terribly difficult).

Today, Nam fried up all the leftover meats in our fridge, including gyoza stuffing, sweet Chinese sausage, and pork floss (that Mina loves eating over rice, lol!). The eggs were also perfectly done. It all came together quite nicely.

Bigo Live, the Snapchat of SE Asia


The Bigo Live app is just getting popular, it seems. After testing it for a day, I think this will shut down Snapchat in Thailand before it ever gets really started. Actually, I think if they can find a way to pay users, either through ad sharing or tipping, or a combination of both, this could possibly be a threat to Facebook. It just suits Thailand very well.

The downside? An even more unfair User Agreement than Facebook, which is saying a lot.

It is inspiring a lot of ideas!!

What’s for lunch: Green Curry with Wings and Portobellos


Although I have made green curry with all kinds of meat, chicken is the best because of its wonderful grease. And among the cuts of chicken, we all prefer middle wings with an occasional wing drum thrown in for variety.

Today I sliced in a couple small portobello mushrooms, and along with the filtered fish sauce and chicken grease, they made the curry into an aromatic, coconut-infused umami bomb. With local round eggplant and julienned kachai (lesser ginger).

As far as eating goes, I actually prefer pulling chicken off the bones and mounding it on top of the rice and curry, but the kids just devour it off the bone.


Finding where Bill’s Bar was located.

Note to self: Look for the yellow building with slit windows. Surugamachi 2? Goddamn Japanese street numbers.

Bill’s Bar Sound, Nara ( ????)


Only in Issan

Kubota convertible with sunshade driving around town every day with no plates and hazards flashing.




As a side note, I know this gent and he’s more of a classic than all of the twenty-odd cars in his collection… He collects all of the cars that he wanted in his youth, but couldn’t afford. Never knew he wanted a rice tractor, tho.

DJ Enferno – Higher

Top notch performance by classically trained pianist and DJ extraordinaire, Enferno. He has a launchpad to launch his launchpad on the launchpad, if you know what I mean. At my peak, which was very short (and approximately 600 years ago), the best I could do was two Discmans, a dual tape deck, and two PS1s. This guy is so fucking awesome.

If you liked his song and have a love for Hova like I do, you also need to see this one: F*ckwithmeyouknowigotit


Fixing my trusty ASUS laptop


…and installing an SSD at the same time. This particular laptop has served me for seven years already and I would normally not bother, but SSDs are cheap and it will make a good Minecraft rig for the kids. I already installed Linux and Windows 10. God bless KMS Pico.

The problem, as it turned out, was a small piece of ABS from a case peg that had broken off and settled inside the cooling fan. Made the whole rig sound like it was going to explode.