My Own Private Loch

This is my favorite path to take on my daily sunset walks. It’s a concrete footpath bordering the canal that winds through my university’s campus. The water levels of the canals and holding ponds they feed to fluctuate quite a bit, as the norm for these times of climate change mean that long periods of drought are immediately followed by heavy and persistent rains. When the level is right, though, I can say hi to Nessie.

It’s been raining almost every day since Max settled in here for his summer vacation, but I took him here last week. He saw Nessie. I consider this to be the coolest thing to see in the whole province, and the fact that it’s hidden and impermanent makes it even better.


Is the approx. number of media files I have stored locally on my main hard drive backup. The digital photos go back to 1998 or so. I have them mostly arranged by date in the file names so I can look up people and events chronologically. The 3TB HD in question is old and unhealthy, so it’s currently being synced to a new external 12TB one I picked up on amazon for a hundred bucks!

The US remains the low price king for certain consumer goods, PC components being one of them. The same drive in Thailand would cost many times more, but partially because only a few big brands and questionable knockoffs are sold here- there is no reliable middle ground for many items (large capacity external HDs being one of them).

Here’s to hoping this sync completes trouble-free!