Disabling Edge Swipes for Logitech K400r Keyboard on Windows 10

After trying multiple times over several years, I finally found a solution for the annoying trackpad gesture problem (when left swiping on the trackpad causes task view like “Windows key +Tab” to open). My particular setup on Win 10 uses both a wired keyboard (for normal use) and a K400r (for use with TV). I tried basically every solution proposed on the net including:

  2. How to Enable or Disable Screen Edge Swipe in Windows 10 (tenforums and other help sites offer the same advice)

As well as the totally unhelpful pot of crap that is the Microsoft help site.

What worked for me, and hopefully can work for you, is totally counter-intuitive and is the opposite of what the manufacturer says to do (of course). I could not get the keyboard settings to appear in the Logitech SetPoint software as described on the Logitech page linked above, so I was desperate, and came up with this fix:

First, install the Logitech SetPoint Software and Unifying Software, which you can download here.

Second, add the K400r and any other hardware you need (I use a wireless mouse in conjunction with the keyboard) via the unifying software. Make any changes you feel necessary with the SetPoint software.

Third, disable Edge Swipe in Win 10 by using Group Policy setting or registry edit as described here.

Optional step: Install the Logitech Smooth Scrolling extension for Chrome.

Fourth, uninstall the Logitech SetPoint Software ONLY (leave the Unifying Software).

Lastly, restart your computer.

Hopefully, this works for you!

Note: If you have the same problem with a different trackpad on Windows 10 and nothing else is working, this page may help you even though it’s for Windows 8: Touchpad Edge Swipes – Enable or Disable in Windows 8

40 thoughts on “Disabling Edge Swipes for Logitech K400r Keyboard on Windows 10

  1. I wish this worked for me, but it didn’t. Does anyone know of a similar keyboard that doesn’t have this problem, mine is pretty old at this point.

  2. This will probably be the definitive answer everyone has been looking for. I found out that if you press fn + right mouse button, the gestures on the touchpad are disabled and the annoying task switcher no longer kicks in. Do note if you turn off the keyboard the setting will reset you will have to press the above key combination again.

    Hope this helps.

    1. I can’t believe how long it’s taken to find this fix, it’s been bothering me for months. Thank you so much. [FN]-[Right click] works like a charm.

    2. When I swipe from from the right edge (Windows 7), it puts a lowercase c in whatever text box I’m typing in. Happens all the time by accident and is very annoying. I never knew it was possible to disable edge swipes. Thank you!

    3. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This has been bothering me for YEARS! I don’t have the words to thank you enough.

    4. Thanks very much! This bothered me so much, I got a Sharpie and wrote this key combo on the bottom so I wouldn’t have to look it up again for the tenth time.

  3. Thank you both SO much! I’ve been searching for a solution for MONTHS! I love this keyboard, but the Edge Gestures were absolutely killing me! Justin, your solution works, but it doesn’t maintain the fact that I’d like my F-keys swapped (I accidentally hit them all the time and open options, pause music, switch screens, etc.). And then KolMaxx, where did you get that info?!?!? It works perfectly! I tried looking online and found NOTHING, is Fn + Right Click some sort of shortcut disable? Please tell me how you found this out! With your method I can keep all my SetPoint settings and not have to worry about the stupid Edge Gestures! THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH! I was just working on a solution of putting a thin strip of electrical tape on the side of the keyboard to not have it read at the very edge but you saved me from my janky fix.

    1. Hi Grateful,

      Honestly, I was just exasperated with the keyboard I started fiddling around with the Fn key in combination with the other buttons. I only noticed after a few tries that that combination actually worked.

      1. I spent a large portion of a day trying to find any other reference to this, but the entirety of the internet yields only one other: a comment on the Australia PC Part Picker site, located here: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/9BK7YJ/logitech-keyboard-920003070 | The commenter indicates that Fn + Right Click cancels the edge gestures, and Fn + Left Click turns off touch pad click (doesn’t work for me, but I have it turned off with the Logitech Program) and I read on another comment on the deptsh of the internet that it may be a sort of universal Logitech Shortcut. Not sure where he found that out, as I can’t find supporting documentation anywhere, but either way, I’m thrilled. This really is my favorite keyboard (for general use, anyway): it has Print Scr, Insert, separate click buttons, full sized arrow keys, and a generally “normal” layout. And it’s one of the cheapest ones! Since your post, I’ve purchased 2 more; I don’t see any keyboard ever besting this one, unless they made the exact same keyboard except with a backlight. Thanks again!

    2. I know on one of my computers you can go in the bios and change whether FN needs to be pressed to use the F keys. I don’t know if they all are like that though.

  4. Thank you for this! I’ve been trying to do this for a long time and these instructions were the only ones that helped me.
    For some reason, all past time I’ve installed SetPoint software, I did not see the keyboard/mouse settings in it (maybe because I didn’t install Unifying Software in addition and/or because this time I unpaired and re-paired the keyboard). So basically your first two steps were all I needed to do, because this time SetPoint did show the keyboard & mouse configs and I was able to disable the gestures there – as well as tweak a bunch of other settings I’ve wanted to change for a long time but didn’t know how.

  5. The instructions didn’t work, BUT I did get it to work by opening the Setpoint software and selecting the touchpad.

    Then I was able to uncheck all the “Edge” gestures from there.


  6. @David your solution worked! I just had to unpair and pair my keyboard. It wasn’t showing any settings for the touchpad or keyboard before taking that action. I have fought with this for soooo long. Thank you!

  7. KoiMaxx you rule!!!! That is the stupidest feature I have ever agonized through in years. I love you 🙂 Thanks so much!!!

  8. Discovered the FN right key solution myself in the k400r manual. The left swipe was driving me crazy!

    Windows 10 should be able to disable this as it is using a standard mouse driver…

    I have several k400r keyboards – I love ’em!

  9. ok so the clicking the Fn key and the right mouse button DID work except it only worked for a little while and for some weird reason it would reset or something and gestures would be enabled again

    what i found that seems to work is downloading Logitech SetPoint software and then it’ll automatically have your keyboard in there (or at least it did mine) and then you click on my mouse at the top then click on touchpad on the left then on the right it should say edge swipe stuff…disable whatever you want…finally!! lol

  10. Fn + Rt click works. Thanks. Upon exit from the set point software, the swipe function resets to default (swipe works) after I uncheck the swipe functions – and so the set point control is useless on Win 10. Also annoying, the letters have worn off of C,N, A, S, D, E, I,U and O. Keyboard works great though.

  11. Ta Cos
    May I bathe your feet? Base my life on your teachings? My Logitech K400r
    wireless keyboard has regained a place at the table of family infotainment
    . Cheers and Cheers and Cheers.

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