Q: “Max, why did you hit Mina?”
A: “She’s bad.”
Q: “Mina, why are you eating the whole drumstick, bone and all?”
A: “Hungry.”
Q: “Max, why don’t you want to go to school?”
A: “I want to watch Mickey Mouse.”
Q: “Mina, why did you pee on the bed?”
A: “No diaper.”
Q: “Max, what sound does a giraffe make?”
A: “No sound.”
Q: “Mina, do you love daddy?
A: “No!”
Q: “Daddy has ice cream. Do you love daddy?”
A: “Yes!”
Q: “Which do you love more, daddy or ice cream?”
A: “Ice cream!”
Q: “Wrong answer. Let’s try again, shall we? Daddy or ice cream?”
I’m in no hurry to have kids. Am surrounded by them as it is.
You would totally dig having kids. Just think about all the education micromanagement decisions you could use as blog fodder…
When I was working at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul, I had several married Korean women at the office tell me that they thought I’d make a great father. These days, I’m not so sure. My patience isn’t infinite, and while I’m fine with the kids I deal with, I wonder how short my fuse would be by the time I got home from a day of teaching. But, yeah– a kid of my own would be blog fodder for sure.
You might enjoy the blogological stylings of one Lee Farrand, a Korean-Aussie adoptee who is going for his Ph.D. at Seoul National University. He recently became a dad, so his blog’s been taken over by some rather amusing kidblogging. Example here.
Are you recording their baby-voices? It’d be cute to hear! ‘Specially if you can edit out the crying. Or not.