furo da

The other day, Miwa-san came over and gave Max a bath. Miwa-san is a Japanese nurse studying at Mahasarakham University (Dept. of Medicine since the Dept. of Nursing isn’t running a post grad program quite yet) who has been helping us with great advice, but is going back to Japan this month or next since her coursework is complete. I’ll write more about her later on.
Max was a lot calmer compared to when we were giving him baths, so we watched carefully to see what she did differently. I eventually came to the conclusion it had less to do with a soft touch than an experienced touch.
Here is Max enjoying himself:

7 thoughts on “furo da

  1. He kind of looks like he’s developing a mohawk — so you should play it up! Maybe even consider matching Father-Son hairstylings, so you can post some photos of all y’all together!

  2. Yup, I agree on the experience thing. I used to think that the midwives were a little rough sometimes, not handling baby like it would break, but with confidence, saying “it’s okay, good baby!”, and not with the undercurrent of concern.
    The first born is like making your first toast, they say….you will gain confidence with knowledge, skill and being okay with making mistakes and buttering yourselves up with love and hugs!

  3. Well, it’s more a content resignation than an expression of happiness, but it’s much better than the norm, believe me.

  4. It would be so cool if I could have done infant swimming playtime with him like I did with you kids, especially Mer. It’s a natural reflex and so much fun. But of course, that’s because I had more skills and confidence by then….and clean water to play in!

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