Dude. No bees! Bees are BAD!! All bees, especially the ones that are aircraft carrier size, should be shot in half with a bb gun (just like in the good ole days).
Ad: I ran them through my standard PS action called Satan’s Ballsack. It consists of Auto Levels and Unsharp Mask. The photos might have come out better if I tweaked the Unsharp Mask settings a bit more, but for my time, this is a decent effect.
Also, the color of the sunflower stems is bluish because I tweaked my camera settings for vivid color (via Ken Rockwell’s D50 settings page). I like how it looks.
Dave, the big ass ones I used to nail with the Airsoft Beretta were hornets – the main difference with bees being that they can bite you multiple times as opposed to stinging you once and dying. That’s why I enstated the zero tolerance policy (in addition to the fact that they were scary as hell).
Did you adjust the bee photos in Photoshop?
Dude. No bees! Bees are BAD!! All bees, especially the ones that are aircraft carrier size, should be shot in half with a bb gun (just like in the good ole days).
Ad: I ran them through my standard PS action called Satan’s Ballsack. It consists of Auto Levels and Unsharp Mask. The photos might have come out better if I tweaked the Unsharp Mask settings a bit more, but for my time, this is a decent effect.
Also, the color of the sunflower stems is bluish because I tweaked my camera settings for vivid color (via Ken Rockwell’s D50 settings page). I like how it looks.
Dave, the big ass ones I used to nail with the Airsoft Beretta were hornets – the main difference with bees being that they can bite you multiple times as opposed to stinging you once and dying. That’s why I enstated the zero tolerance policy (in addition to the fact that they were scary as hell).