That last post reminded me of this photo, which is from this site: Spider Snacks on Snake
Raising a family in Thailand // Documenting Issan food, culture, music, and people
That last post reminded me of this photo, which is from this site: Spider Snacks on Snake
I’m amazed that a little spider has the nerve to tackle a big, long snake! I wonder if they’re as nasty as the “Agressive House Spiders” or “Hobo Spiders”, as they’re called, in Montana, Canada, etc. Those suckers will actually skitter fast, full-tilt, towards you and bite with little or no provocation. Can you spell “necrotic tissue”?
now that’s one BMF. so much for going to South Africa.
Two of my least favorite things… Now I’m feeling all icky….
The red underbelly of that spider just grosses me out… Evil!