Knot, tied.

A couple hours ago, I sat here a happy man. I sit here again now even happier!
We are married! There is much rejoicing in the streets of Sumoto!
Next, the Wedding. Tentatively planned for next February. We’re thinking of a beach wedding in Thailand, and I, for once, am willing to deal with the yuppie resorts I usually detest… Somehow “wedding” and “private beach” just sound nice together.
And now, we are off to a nice dinner together. Just like we have a thousand times before, but tonight is special. Thanks for all your blessings.

11 thoughts on “Knot, tied.

  1. What an auspicious date, the full moon of August 19, 2005! May you both enjoy a mutually beneficial, loving, joy-filled, healthy and prosperous life! Wow, a Thai wedding in February!…cool!

  2. All of my heartfelt congratulations to you both. Have a wonderful meal, and a wonderful everything else that follows.

  3. Felicitations!!!
    I’m so happy for you!
    I wish you a long and happy life, Mr and Mrs YOSHIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gros bisous,
    Sophie K

  4. Many blessings! I’ll share, here, what a friend recited at my wedding nearly four years ago:
    Apache Wedding Blessing
    Now you will feel no rain
    For each of you will be shelter to the other.
    Now each of you will feel no cold
    For each of you will be warmth to the other.
    Now there is no loneliness for you
    For each of you will be companion to the other.
    Now you are two persons
    But there is one life before you.
    Go now to your dwelling place to enter into the days of your togetherness
    And may your days be good and long upon the earth.

  5. A huge Congrats to both of you! Nam, welcome to our dysfunctionally cool family, I hope that your babies are not mastodontic, like Justin was nor black, like Adam was.
    Wish I could be there to congratulate you in person~
    Most Favorite Sister, and Sister-in-Law!!!!!

  6. I’ll hold back the marriage sarcasm, and just wish you and Nam the best. Pretty cool.
    Beach wedding sounds like a winner.

  7. Congrats dude & dudet! So does this mean no bachelor party?!?! I look forward to roast pig at the beach wedding. Are we wearing suits or Thai-style Aloha shirts? Or do ya wear some cool traditional thing like Kangaroo-boy John?

  8. I as well am somewhat disappointed in the lack of a bachelor thingy. Ah well. 😉
    Congratulations to the both of you. I hope we’ll get a chance to see you before you’re off!

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