
n : gastrointestinal symptoms caused by undigested wax esters (Gempylotoxin) of the oilfish or butterfish (that is contained in their natural diet but remain in their muscle tissue) which may include oily orange diarrhea, discharge, or leakage from the rectum that may smell of mineral oil. The discharge can stain clothing and occur without warning 30 minutes to 36 hours after consuming the fish. The oil may pool in the rectum and cause frequent urges for bowel movements due to its lubricant qualities and may be accidentally discharged by the passing of gas. Symptoms may occur over a period of one or more days. Other symptoms may include stomach cramps, loose bowel movements, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.
To minimize the risk of symptoms, strict control of portion size is recommended as well as preparation methods that remove some of the oil (e.g. grilling). Portions should be no greater than 6 ounces.

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By the way, the Wikipedia article contends that escolar (a kind of snake mackerel) is different than oilfish (also a kind of snake mackerel; more on this later). The Radar article I linked in my first escolar post made it sound as if they were the same. Actually, it turns out that butterfish is sometimes labeled as oilfish although it isn’t any more oilfish than oilfish is Orange Roughy. Is it just me, or does someone at the FDA have to get off their ass and stop allowing every fucking semi-deep water fish (plus a few others) to be called Orange Roughy/Red Snapper/Sea Bass? Especially a fish that, as it turns out, was not only banned in Japan but also in Italy? These are two countries that know a bit about fish, yo…
Anyway here’s the classification breakdown according to Wikipedia:
ESCOLAR (butterfish)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Gempylidae
Genus: Lepidocybium
(Gill, 1862)
Species: L. flavobrunneum
Binomial name: Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
(Smith, 1843)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Gempylidae
Genus: Ruvettus
Species: R. pretiosus
Binomial name: Ruvettus pretiosus
(Cocco, 1833)

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