Did you know that “raccoon” can also be spelled “racoon,” and did you know that raccoons get serious wood sometimes? I had no idea either, before our little day trip to Nazo no Paradise (Paradise of Mysteries) on my little island, Awajishima. The place is located about 40 minutes away from my pad in Sumoto and is touted as a backwoods kind of amusement/attraction. Everyone I asked about it would not specify exactly what the attraction was, so we really had no idea what to expect…
Walking down this scenic little valley, you would never expect to find yourself in a room full of shrines dedicated to (mostly) raccoon boners, would you?
Click the link below for more pictures. (Note: You’ll poke your eye out! Not work safe.)
Say hi to Spanky.
This is his pal Charles III.
Wow. This guy has knocked some poor girl’s head clear off (yes that’s a female figure with overly fertile opening in front) with his massive wood. Maybe he shoulda used an iron.
Here’s the WMD. Wildly Massive Dongage.
Need some help getting the background on what’s written here (help, Taro). Whoring champion, perhaps?
I messed up the lighting on this one, but I think you get the picture.
Simply the coolest piece in the collection.
Whoever got paid to paint this is sick. Whoever paid to have it painted is sicker. I took a photo of it and posted it for all to see, so what does that tell you?
Boy, that’s better than a typical porn shoppe! What’s up with racoons? I never, ever read or heard about this obession with penile erections a la boy racoons! Are you sure this isn’t from some Chinese Medicine sicko-quacko nasty “cure” for male impotence? I gotta go get dad to look at the photos, since he gets all smirky and happy about your perverse sense of humor! Like father, like son, I say! 🙂
hunting season for these critters are not determined by chronology but more than likely by hormonal cycles. also gives new meaning to the term petrified wood. does that mean mineralized lumber or does that refer to an emotional state ie the figurine with the head literally blown off?
In Japanese slang, “tanuki” (literally, “raccoon-dog” which is apparently neither raccoon [araiguma] nor dog [inu]) is the equivalent of “horn-dog”, i.e., a lecherous ojisan (old geezer).
All the creatures here are actually raccoon-dogs, not raccoons but for the life of me I can’t tell them apart. Pretty indistinguishable roadkill, I’m afraid, but that’s another story.
I just love commenting on raccoon boners while I’m at work.
Those penises look slightly out of proportion. It looks like they sewed Mr. Ed’s dong onto Rocky Racoon. Are they (the penises) carvings, or the work of some taxidermist more fucked up than the guy who created the Jackelope?
Dude, I didn’t even notice the size thing. Maybe you have a fixation.
Mountain Tanuki
Unlike the racoon dogs that live on Justin’s island, ours have a diffr’n set ‘o priorities. We like awr Tawnookeys cuz theyyur wild boozers and bring their own sake jugs with them, nawt ’cause they add more sausage to the…
The Presidental Erection
Is how it would sound if you said “The Presidental Election” with a katakana accent. This post, however, is not gonna be about Engrish(at least, not very much), but will explore possible avenues for bringing the little General to attention….
The Presidental Erection
Is how it would sound if you said “The Presidental Election” with a katakana accent. This post, however, is not gonna be about Engrish(at least, not very much), but will explore possible avenues for bringing the little General to attention….
This weekend was just what I needed. I took a roadtrip down to Miyazaki for the Cheesy Disco with Mark and Joe Fingerhut to meet up with the usual suspects. To say that things got out of control would be…
Um ya hi i have no comments on the whole lot of wang but i seem to think the womans boddy ish cooler