WordPress Multi-user is not ready for the big time. This is evident from the fact that it’s not an option accessible from the WordPress GUI (it must be hard-coded by the user into a configuration file on the server).
My problem with it is that it relies on flaky rewrite rules you must, again, hard code into your .htaccess file on the server. Also, as I mentioned in my previous post, it makes you use specific directories for file uploading and changes your URL structure as well (credit where credit’s due: One of MT’s greatest strengths is the ability to publish any kind of static file anywhere you want it).
Judging by the size and passion of the WP development base, I have no doubt that multi-user will eventually be sorted out, but I cannot use it or recommend it now. Fortunately, my plan B is very simple: Dedicated WordPress installations for each blog I need to set up. This is the best solution for me now, and each new installation and setup should take about 10 minutes.
It was fun learning a new platform today (although less so by this last install), but I’m so tired I think I’ll forgo proper testing until later. Hope the comments work!
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease work, Shirley.
running a network requires considerable more sysadmin skills than just managing one WordPress blog. It was actually quite visible and a lot easier to set up in the initial merge, but it was decided a hurdle was needed to stop some users from trying it out before they looked into things like their hosting setup.
I think saying it’s not ready for primetime is inaccurate, as this has been running literally thousands of sites for the past three years, pre-merge. And many of these are very large sites.
Everything you mentioned in the second paragraph is entirely dependent on your server and your ability to manage it. sure, you can change the uploads directly. From the config file. htaccess issues are also server-dependent.
It’s there in WrdPress now, but it’s not for the casual user. It wasn’t developed for Johnny Blogger who wants to run a couple extra blogs out of his shared hosting package.
It was built to run a site like wordpress.com that hosts millions of blogs. Yes, on this codebase.
> It’s there in WrdPress now, but it’s not for the casual user.
That’s what I meant by “not ready for the big time.” That WordPress is used by professionals to power huge networks is a fact. That Multi-user functionality has been purposefully hidden from we lowly users who want to run a couple extra blogs out of their shared hosting packages seems to be another. I assume that there are way more casual users (that run their own installations) than professional ones, but maybe I’m wrong.
In the words of the devs in IRC when this was discussed, “If they can’t handle editing a config file, they have no business running it”.
I think you’d be surprised at how many professional / business sites there are, as a whole. 🙂
(just adding some background, is all)
> I think you’d be surprised at how many professional /
> business sites there are, as a whole.
SixApart had to send them somewhere!
(embittered ex-MovableTypist joke)