Yes, it works*.
And yes, those are red boxers with white hearts on them.
No, that’s not why I took the color out.
I did that because my complexion turns to “mottled tomato” on really hot days (lots of those in Thailand).
The screens we’re going through are goza-like rolls we’ve hung from a curtain rod in front of the front door to block the sun at the end of the day, because our house faces the sunset.
*It doesn’t quite feel right, though, maybe a bit like putting a t-shirt on backwards.
I love the look on Max’s face as you dakko him around.
Hang in there, dad!
Hey! U got dat Beat Takeshi face down pat man(post utility pole run-in of course)!!!
i can’t imagine how max feels being strapped to his profusely sweaty daddy…
He sweats right back! I now truly know that copious sweating just runs in the family.