In addition to drinking from a shot glass, Max could also perform a proper staredown from a very early age.
Raising a family in Thailand // Documenting Issan food, culture, music, and people
In addition to drinking from a shot glass, Max could also perform a proper staredown from a very early age.
Totally approve of the ocean-themed baby accessories in the background, by the way.
Swaddling is a great way to keep him feeling secure. Loose arms and legs are a main cause of kinesthetic distress in babies. It must feel scary-weird to suddenly come from an enclosed, dark, warm water environment and be in too much light, sound, taste, and your arms/legs going all over the place. Even changing his diapers, just keeping his arms wrapped next to his body will help him stay calm.
ummm i think he looks a bit like adam…long, dark, skinny…