The Other Pink Meat

I wrote a haiku today, inspired by this site:
Dusty desert road.
Weary rocket soldier sits,
opening the can.
Obviously, I’ve been playing too much Generals lately. And Adam’s recent post on Spam ignited a firestorm in my gut. I was forced to recognize that I need Spam on a regular basis. Need. But it’s too damn expensive in Japan. It’s as if they still price it the same way they did on the black market after the war, but adjusted for inflation.
Happy Spam thoughts:
Spam is one of the few foods that taste better in the “low salt” version. I tried a can of the spicy-flavored Spam a couple weeks ago and it was nice, but I prefer the low salt Spam sliced into slabs and crispy-fried with eggs, sunny side up, decorated with ketchup and sriracha sauce. Oh, damn, why so I do this to myself at work? I’m HUNGRY.
When I was ten or eleven years old, my friend Kohei came to a profound realization and announced that “Spam” spelled backwards is “maps”. It would be much less embarassing for him if I had forgotten to state that he was twice my age; luckily, I remembered.
UPDATE: It seems my black market comment above may have been unfounded. Apparently we Americans blessed the Japanese with loads of Spam after the war, at least this seems to be the case in some people’s experiences:
You MUST try a Spam Musubi before you die. Must. A musubi is just a ball of rice. Spam musubi has chunks of pink (former) flesh interspersed in it. I have independently developed a thermonuclear version version of the Spam musubi involving kimchi and mayonnaise, and it is a meal unto itself unless you are drunk. In which case, I sincerely hope you don’t get barfy, because the only grosser thing to spew is a meat pizza (personal Bombay Sapphire memory – friends don’t let friends drink gin neat, even if there is no ice and nothing to mix it with).

7 thoughts on “The Other Pink Meat

  1. I’ve been playing a lot of Rise of Nations lately, which I thoroughly enjoy, although I still think Generals is the greatest way to blow shit up in cool ways ever designed.
    Wondering if you’ve gotten your hands on Empires yet? I was a big fan of Empire Earth, especially its scenario design tool. Kind of curious how Empires is.

  2. I haven’t got Empires yet, but I may ask a friend whose going to Bangkok next week to pick it up for me. I think the greatest tag line on the Empires site is this:
    “Utilize units from the past, from the plague-ridden cow carcasses flung by enemy forces to the German V2 rocket.”
    Now that’s niche marketing.

  3. Hey you stole my Spam/kimchee/mayonnaise musubi recipe! Or maybe it’s just locked in the mayonnaise/kimchee part of the brain. Last night I chopped up some too-salty kimchee and mixed it with organic hamburger (happy cows, no mad cows) and diced-up water chestnuts. Added a bit of panko (texture improves), mayo and an egg, plus some pepper/garlic salt. Sauteed slowly in garlic oil.These were the best hamburgers I’ve made yet, full of garlicky, crunchy, sniffy-good flavors! Please stop writing about Spam (lo-salt is the best!) or I might have to get to Costco….is there beef in Spam??

  4. Yet More News Of Spam

    In late April, the largest Spam musubi that has ever been will be rolled in Hawaii. Apparently, the Spam Jam restaraunt has successfully branched out into an official chain. It’s only a matter of time before it arrives in the…

  5. Yet More News Of Spam

    In late April, the largest Spam musubi that has ever been will be rolled in Hawaii. Apparently, the Spam Jam restaraunt has successfully branched out into an official chain. It’s only a matter of time before it arrives in the…

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