Japanglish blog from Japan, maybe. Well, well, well,,,


dec 15-21 Bangkok.

Here changed to a hot season again from very hot season in Bangkok.
I think it is the best saeson to be here between Oct-Feb.
I am drunk right now.
Had a couple of Heineken stubbies for breakfast. Then I felt sick and ate some chiken rice called "Khao Mann Gai." Nice and hot, greenly tasteful.
Wake up at 01:00P.M.. Go to bed at 07:00 A.M..
I had an onstreet party last night drinking beer and samson whiskey coke with redbull (a genki drink tastes like オロナミンC.
There were about 20 people came gathered at one side walk of Khaosan Road. Singing playing the guitar . Swedish, Norwegean, French, Spanish, Thai, Japanese, Croatian,Canadian, Irish, English and some people from no where. When they requested me to play Cat stevens song, I played the beatles. When they requested Oasis, Iplayed the beatles. And when they requested Nirvana, Iplayed the beatled. It was fun.
I miss my wife, of corse, while traveling.
But you know there are a lot of ladies that are so cute, nice, inteligent and sexy.
Now this is a question.
How can one find a life partner?
"I am going to India next year. India is calling me."
น รี นะน�ำม นื่ระหี ฟ นะทน ริ เฟ รร�ำหีใ

ษันี้ฟ ไรสสั น ทรหำร รทนะหีไน ยฟ�รเ ห้รืร ราร ร้นื ร นาพีใ

I typed in hiragana with thai font. saying "Kyou ha totemo kibunga iidesu. Kyouha willy no mise ni nimotsu wo packing shini ikimasu".

Tired. I m off now...
