March 24, 2004
Bathroom Musings
March 22, 2004
Keyring Tool

New multipurpose tool on top of new coffeemaker (retro Bondi Blue skeleton design - so 90's).
Better than it looks...

There's nothing like coming home to a pot of day-old curry. The house reeks with pungent goodness and the first mouyhful warms the soul.

I don't like using third party mouse drivers/software so I usually buy Microsoft mouses although the red one in the middle is a Logitech that has served me well with my Fujitsu laptop. It wasn't the greatest for playing CS when I started out but either was the 8MB Rage Mobility video card on the laptop...
Chew On This!

Lotte's "dental" chewing gum - supposedly helps keep teeth white. I nominate it for Official Chewing Gum of Aryanfest 2004.
Another Awaji Bridge Sunset

Wait, maybe this isn't the bridge. How am I supposed to remember? I was driving, man.
March 12, 2004
Unicorn Board

The hard board at Bill's. Remarkably sharp in B&W.
March 11, 2004
King of Konbeni

Lawson is the foundation upon which modern lifestyles are built in Japan.
I have never confirmed the oft-heard rumor regarding the Lawson closest to my university, Morimedo Lawson - that it was the busiest branch in Japan. Well, on the 26th of every month I wouldn't dispute it...
Brief Statement

Waiting for Bill outside of a Mickey D's in Shinsaibashi, I was proposed by some Chinese girls who offered to do just this. Wait that's a lie. They only offered a massage, "kimochi yoku shite ageru yo ni-chan". Goddamn, gotta love that.
Anyway, this sticker was pasted to a light pole right outside the golden arches, and the previously mentioned ladies of da knight giggled ferociously as I nerdily took a photo of it. Biotches.
March 04, 2004
Autobacs Bargain Sale

This is how much a "Cool Darts" PC game CD-ROM was in a bargain bin at Autobacs. Laugh #1: It was a Daiso 100 Yen Store game, so I only saved 23 yen. Laugh#2: I paid too much for it either way. The programming was so bad the shit didn't work after installation, and when I finally did get it to work, a little window popped up with the simple greeting, "Hello, world!"
I guess the thing I want to know the most is why they were selling a Daiso CD-ROM at an Autobacs.
March 02, 2004
Unmarked Helicopters

Yellow helicopter. Landed. In my parking lot.