Japanglish blog from Japan, maybe. Well, well, well,,,


27 August Tashkent, Uzbekistan

I was alone having dinner at a Arabian restaurant in Sailgor street, (a.k.a.Broadway street). Uzbek TV cameraman and some friends are at the next table and they invited me to their table and we started drinking Uz brandy. That tasted excellent, from which I did not get hungover.

After this, went to a park and I played the guitar and sang " I said baby, baby don't you wanna go, to the same old place, sweet home Tashkent.

Got back home safe, and I stopped at a mini shop for some water to store in my room. There were some guys asked me, "hey can we hear your guitar?"

I said "sure! What do you want to hear?"

Thay said, "Yesterday", I said to myself,,,"let me play something else..." But I played of course.

Then, a white brand new Djigli sedan with 4 guys in, waring a white shirt and black pants like some kind of nice cafeteria waiters, stopped and said the De Vito lookalike guy said, "I am Al Capone, hey, play "yesterday"!"

Oh again, here you are, I love playing Yesterday...

After my little guitar playing time, Capone dude and his friends left. I found them really good people.

And a guy standing near me gave me an ice cream I do not know why though, I ate,, ,he came to me and said, they are really really bad people. They eat you. Be careful. They are militsiya!

In this country, cops sometimes(?) means yaks. But I know I should not say anything about it. This is a story that I heard from the people that I meet here. Not really what I think. They say so, I believe so...


Anonymous Adam said...

Dude, be careful. I don't want to speculate on why we haven't been hearing from you in a few month's time. Then again, hanging out with gangsters could be really interesting, as long as no bad shit goes down.

3:44 PM JST


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