What's the story with Chappelle?

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I remember watching his stand up two Christmases ago, and hurting from laughing so hard. For whatever reason, it's too bad that he didn't finish the 3rd season. Whether it has any truth to it or not, this is worth reading.


the motivation behind the KKK is colorless. Anybody could pretend to be a wizard under the sheets. I've heard about the same type of pressure from the same people exerted on people like Richard Pryor. TDC is not a great acronym though. They should be more creative.

the motivation behind the KKK is colorless. Anybody could pretend to be a wizard under the sheets. I've heard about the same type of pressure from the same people exerted on people like Richard Pryor. TDC is not a great acronym though. They should be more creative.

That's quite a wild story. We'll never know the whole truth behind Chapelle's situation, but a lot of the reported trauma-drama "feels" like a series of bi-polar or paranoid schizophrenic episodes.

hey again can you tell me what am i suppossed to be doing on blog cause i am new here..

could you leave me a comment please:)

Thanks Autumn

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