The Cosmic Buddha Thong: Get Yours Today!

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Dude, Justin, I don't remember you mentioning this on your site.

And the design, you could have done better than a yellow-snowman. Or is it supposed to be dog poo?

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Morning Sick from C. Buddha's Hasty Musings on February 3, 2006 9:11 AM

Oh, the horror. This person deserves to be shat upon. Maybe it's time for the Buddha to get together for a jam session. How about a new song? I propose the title: Somebody's Going to Tentacle Rape Hell (Ain't Karma... Read More


Maybe Mika would like one for her upcoming birthday? Just kidding. Do not get one for her!

nah. you're all wrong. It's miniature brown rice mochi - for oshogatsu. That shit's good for ya.

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