Reaching for the Stars

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This is an actual toy set that is currently for sale at Toys R Us in Japan. Can you picture some little kid asking for this? Mommy, when I grow up I want to work at McDonalds!

All jokes aside, working at Mickey D's doesn't have the same stigma attached to it over here as id does back home. The workers do their jobs with pride and efficiency, and the clerks that I have talked genuinely seem to like their jobs.

Another indicator that things are way different over here: I haven't even heard any stories about disgruntled employees spitting in (or mixing various bodily fluids in) the food or beverages. So maybe Japanese McDonalds is better than the McDonalds in the States after all.


did 'super-size me' make its debut over there? and if so, did it have any effect? probably not. there is such a disparity in the concept of excess.

No, Supersize Me didn't debut here- the problem here isn't food from fast food restaraunts. The problem is that younger people are subsisting mainly on food purchased from convenience stores like bentos, fried food, etc... There are actually healthy choices available, but not many and they tend to be the more expensive items (fruit prices are f***ing unbelievable!).

Do you remember all the wonderfully sweet homegrown fruit like white peaches and nectarines, apples, oranges, guavas and strawberries that we used to serve for our sunday brunches and in your everyday lunches? The MacDonald's around here offer good mixed green salads (with chicken, etc.) or fresh fruit salads as well. Health kick, I guess.

No bodily fluids? SO THAT'S WHY THE McDonald's tastes different!

"Welcome to McDowell's" "They have the Golden Arches...we have the Golden Arcs." "Just let your sooooooul glow!" Sorry. Too much TV too when I was a kid. YoMama is making me miss Cali. I would to a lot of things to be able to walk into a Stater Bros. and by 3 corn-on-the-cobs for a quarter...or even to by lettuce that isn't pink, with brown freezer wholes on it.

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