I haven't been able to post regularly for a while, but I will try and rectify the situation soon. The problem lies with my lack of internet access, which I will try and fix. Also, sites such as hotmail, gmail, and yahoo mail are blocked from work by SuperScout Web Filter- does anyone know any ways around this? Until I get things worked out, the best way to reach me is via my cosmicbuddha email account, or posting here. Gotta get back to work...
forward all your emails to your cosmicbuddha account. alternatively, use an anonymizing site to surf with, although this quadruple-exposes your log/pass/info. besides, you're at work - work, beeyotch!
Hello from Bangkok. Hope you're having fun teaching English and learning Japanese getting paid.I'll see ya later this month. Let's go drink Sho-chu and negi-yaki. By the way , did you find the oishiiest negi yaki place out there?