I recieved this story written by one of my Daiichi High School ichinensei (as an assignment of the VHS program in Kumamoto), and it reminded me of the cat that Justin and Merin rescued. The only differences are that the fictional kitten was rescued from the top of a sky scraper during the day. Justin jumped into a storm gutter and caught the kitten just as it lost its grip and was about to be swept away to be drowned. Anyhow, have a look:
Last night, thunder was sounding. Many people were frightened. At a skyscraper of top, a kitten was mewing. But someone didn?t learn.
Next day, one person helped a kitten and he raised it and it was his great pet.
Oh, and for those of you who don't know, this is an example of the English abilities of a decent 1st year student in one of the better high schools in Kumamoto. I'm quite proud of the abilities of these students, actually.
Mandatory mail and url for commenting sucks, man. And how about turning on HTML -or- auto-linking? That would be nice.
The cat has his own category now, with all his updates on it:
I rather enjoyed figuring out the whole "king kong kitty" story, seeing a mewing kitten on top of the tower and no one learning. Cool!