Justin and Nam

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This is a bit late/early depending on how you look at it, but I wanted to say that I'm really happy for you guys. It seems as if you two have been married for over a decade already to me, so it's fitting after waiting so long that you should get married with such a massive undertaking. Hopefully there will be many more pictures to post later.



Hey this is great. Congrats to you Justin.

I think there must be something in the damn air and it seems to be moving slowly to the east. First Chris, then Di, now Justin. Of course I don't count because I was pretty much married back in college.

Thank you, come again!

Yea Adam, what a good relaxed photo of Nam and Jus. I agree....they seem like old married folks and the upcoming wedding is an amazing way to celebrate their happiness! Only a month to go before we're almost packed and ready to rock and roll!!

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