I want Arnold to win. Yeah, he is probably a big powerful chauvenistic guy who gropes people, but many men and women of action are. Look at James Bond, the Kennedys(the DKs and Jello Biafra rule!), Nina from 24, Face (from the A-Team), and powerful monarchs of past like Henry the 8th. Its all part of the job.
California has many problems to deal with right now, and I fell that Schwartzanegger will take them out like he took out the drug dealers in Commando, the evil sorcerers and their hordes in Conan, and the expectations for his future movies like he did with Last Action Hero. The point is that I expect him to dive into the problems like he has in the movies. Either we will be totally screwed, or if he gets it right then we will vanquish all of our enemies and rule as kings over the West Coast!
So using manliness as the sole deciding factor of whom I wish to rule California, I have to side with The Terminator. If I were a secretary I think that I would bust out the whoop ass on Grey (or is it Gray) Davis if he threw a stapler at me. If Arnold threw his stapler at me, I would run away as fast as I could.
On another note: I like saying the word gubernatorial. Gubernatorial gubernatorial gubernatorial. I think when I teach my kids "American" (read, the superior form of) football, they will learn One Gubernatorial Two Gubernatorial Three Gubernatorial instead of "Alligator" or "Missisippi". That way they can discuss the gubernatorial "erection" with their english speaking friends!
Camejo for governor!