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When people hear that I get to work at 3 hoikuens every week, they generally say either "Awwwww, they must be so cute" or "Wow, that sounds cool". Well these two statements are true, but babies are really disgusting things.

They piss all over the tatami, they smell like feces at times, they drool whether excited or comatose, have food caked in their hair, face, clothes, and whatever else they come into contact with, they will put their hands anywhere, they put anything they can into their mouths, and they perpetually have big boogers creeping out of their tiny noses.

Its not like my kids are not well taken care of. After lunch they are cleaned, but it seems like all effort is in vain. In no time, they are once again filthy. Hahaha, my home no longer seems so messy anymore!


Kids and puppies are the same. Messy, constantly underfoot and demanding of 24/7 attention, forgetful and needing repetitive instructions, like "stop it or else!" Mika's puppy, Jack, is the same as your kids, but far easier! And so I tell your sister that having a yappy, happy puppy is great practice for one day being a parent! Down, Spot!

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