What ever happened to time out or setting up conferences with the parents of a kid who is having problems in school? In Japan, you hear many stories of how screwed up the educational system is, and how the pressure on teachers (to get their students to pass tests) and students (to pass the tests) really is. I can say for certain that if one of my teachers told me to write an apology in blood, I would walk past them and go straight to the principal and call my parents to help me sort this out.
I have been lucky enough to have nice teachers in my schools, in an environment where such behavior would most likely be immediately detected and severely dealt with. I have heard accounts of students being smacked by teachers, and even one case of a retarded student being put into a cage for the period because the teacher couldn't control him. What ever happened to humiliating a class clown or smartmouth in front of the class, and trying to get to the ultimate cause of problematic behavior? Hopefully, a teacher's class will be percieved as interesting or at least valuable enough to pressure the students to act in a respectful manner.
It also bothers me how common it is for teachers to have secret relationships with their students. Some teachers have no problem engaging in romantic relations with their students, and this really bothers me. It just doesn't seem to be such a big deal over here for some reason.
The Japanese copied their education system from the US model after losing WW2, right? And then they made it their own. Our kids might shoot their teachers and classmates but in Japan, box cutters and knives do the job of inflicting violence. Bad stuff, all the way around both at home and over there. Screwed up kids=screwed up adults who screw up kids, and so on and so forth. It's sad that teachers there are so okay with predating on kids....same here, right?
United States of America were very generous to let their education system be copied by other countries specially those came from Asia(by letting foreign students to study at their universities). This proves their superiority and originality in terms of effective education system is still apparent.