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Puppy blogging

I'm not one to regularly write posts about my pets, but I'll make an exception because our shih tzus just had puppies. The ultrasound predicted 5 of the little guys, but we ended up with 5 females and 2 males.

Here's little "Killer" being born. He is clearly the most vocal of the group.

Molly is exhausted after giving birth to 7 little puppies.

Jack, the father, is freaked out by his little squeaking kids. He maintains a good distance away from Molly and his new family, and paces around nervously.

The pups literally fit in the palm of your hands, with room to spare. About the perfect size for a water balloon toss or juggling.

More puppy blogging to follow...

Comments (6)


water balloon toss?? Juggling?? I'm telling my mommie. Look out for a 30ft squid!!

Congrats!!! so adorable but why their daddy is looking lost & sad LOLz


your puppies are cute


why are some shih tzu's so ugly


i love your pupies so much o and i was wondering if i can have one my phone # is 9573554


Hey Janelle,
I'm sorry but all of the puppies already have homes, and as you can imagine they were highly sought after! Thanks for dropping by, and I'm flattered to hear that you like my puppies...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 19, 2006 10:09 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Impossible Fish Tank.

The next post in this blog is Fishing Catalina.

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