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Kusai! Kitanai! Kakkowarui! Meiwaku Tabako!


This sticker expresses my exact sentiments towards tobacco smoke and inconsiderate smokers. Wanna smoke? Hey, that's your right, but keep it out of my face!

Comments (4)


Yah, way cool! Kakko warui for sure!


allright, allright. Agreed. But I was always pretty considerate......wasn't I?


Nah, I'm talking about the smokers who smoke in the non-smoking section and the ones who smoke around kids. Or the ones who walk through crowds, dousing everyone with their stink. Those people suck.


Uhhhhhh. Can't say that I have intentionally ever done that. The bubbles were fun though. B and A...you are still biznatches! And you know what I'm talking about too. =

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2006 11:59 PM.

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